California Dates compared to other healthy foods

California Dates compared to other fruits & nuts

Energy Density is the number of calories per gram and is used to describe and compare foods by the amount of energy (calories) they contribute.
All foods have between 0 to 9 calories per gram. Dates have 2.75 calories per gram.
Date energy comes almost entirely from carbohydrate sugars and a small amount of protein.

Calories per Gram of California Dates compared with other foods

Energy (calories) per serving comparison between California Dates and Various Foods

Glycemic index in California Dates compared to other fruits

Dates have a low Glycemic index of 42 per 100 g 

Fiber in California Dates compared to other foods

Polyphenols in California Dates compared to other fruits

Polyphenols (mg) (per 100 g)

pH Comparison with other fruits

Some diets suggest monitoring the pH of the foods you eat to assist in digestion. Avoiding acidic foods has been suggested for foods below a pH of 4. Dates have a pH of 6.4 and make a great snack. Each individual has a slightly different tolerance for foods and should consult their doctor if acidic foods are an issue.

Higher pH are alkaline foods and lower pH are acidic foods. 7 pH is neutral.

Here is how California Dates compare with other fruits:

Potassium in California Dates compared to other fruits